The Top 3 Technology Trends That Will Dominate 2014

Wednesday, February 12, 2014 2 comments
Strap yourself in, it’s going to be a wild ride. In considering the changes we’ve seen in technology over the past year, I’m bracing myself for unprecedented growth when it comes to anytime, anywhere, on-demand information and entertainment.
Based on the trends we’ve seen so far in 2013, I predict 2014 will see many fledgling technologies mature and grow beyond what we could have imagined just a few years ago.
So without further ado, here are my top 7 predictions for technology trends that will dominate 2014.
1. Consumers will come to expect Smart TV capabilities
With Smart TV shipments expected to reach 123 million in 2014 – up from about 84 million in 2012 – we are poised to see explosive growth in this industry.
In the midst of this growth, we will continue to see fierce competition between major players like Samsung, Panasonic, and LG. Prices will need to continue to drop, as more consumers crave, and even expect, the ability to use Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Instant Video and their web browser via their TV.
Of course, the development we’re all waiting for in 2014 is the release of Apple’s much anticipated iTV. It appears the iTV is now in the early development stage, and that Apple may be in the process of making a deal with Time Warner to facilitate programming on Apple devices.
The device is rumoured to include iCloud sync, the ability to control your iPhone, and ultra HD LCD panels. Keep an eye out for this release as early as summer 2014.
2. Smart watches will become ‘smarter’

Rather than having to pull out your smartphone or tablet for frequent email, text and social media updates, you’ll glance at your watch.
2014 is the year to keep an eye out for the Google watch. Rumor has it the device will integrate with Google Now, which aims to seamlessly provide relevant information when and where you want it (and before you’d asked for it).
We’ll see smart watches become even smarter, learning what news and updates are important to us, when we want to receive them, and responding more accurately to voice controls.
For smart watches to succeed, they’ll need to offer us something that our smart phone can’t; whether this means more intuitive notifications, or the ability to learn from our daily activities and behaviours (for instance, heart rate monitoring), it will be interesting to see.
3. Google Glass will still be in “wait and see” mode
While Google Glass hasn’t yet been released to the general public, we’ve heard enough about it to know it’s still very early days for this technology. With an estimated 60,000 units expected to sell in 2013, and a predicted several million in 2014, it’s still a long way from becoming a common household technology.
These augmented reality glasses allow you to access information like email and texts, take hands-free pictures and videos, effortlessly translate your voice, and even receive overlaid walking, cycling or driving directions, right within your field of vision.
It’s predicted that both Google Glass 2.0, and its companion, the Glass App Store, should be released to the general public sometime in 2014.

Fiber access the latest technology development direction

Thursday, January 30, 2014 2 comments
From DSL to fiber to the home, the rate M from dozens to tens or even hundreds of K M, broadband access technology in ten years has undergone enormous changes. GPON has become mainstream, EPON are catching up, as well as 10G PON, etc. can bring higher bandwidth access technologies ready for use.

Booming in the current broadband networks, technology choices have been relegated to second place battle, and how to better xPON technology being applied to real network, a fiber access technology to explore the direction.

Were abandoned technology platform dispute

Is GPON or EPON, which is come in the focus of the industry's most controversial, from a technical, commercial, and maturity more than one direction, it gives a different answer. But for operators, can find a basis both for existing networks, but also take into account the future business development, while reducing OPEX solution - Huawei SingleFAN a total solution to lead the direction of the platform.

Huawei Network Product Line Access Network Product Engineer, said Wu Haijun, "SingleFAN solution advocated by the multi-play, high-capacity, less Bureau, the construction of the network concept of flat European major operators are highly recognized by reducing the CO Board points can significantly lower construction costs and network maintenance costs. "said Wu Haijun," At the same time, SingleFAN solution advocated multi-subnet, the whole scene coverage to full-service bearer PON networks, an integrated solution of choice for operators. "

It is understood, SingleFAN solution is fully equipped for the future evolution of capacity, system capacity, software architecture, business development at all levels have set aside enough capability to provide from ATM to IP, access from copper to fiber access income, from the PSTN to IMS, from IPv4 to IPv6, to NG PON from the full range of xPON smooth evolution to maximize investment protection.

The SingleFAN led EPON / GPON platform for development were also has been recognized by domestic operators, the basic requirements to become tender.

Solve management problems ODN

Development in FTTx, access layer need to create a huge fiber-optic distribution network, that ODN network. ODN high cost of network construction, the maximum total investment accounted for 50% -70%, which is the focus of investment in FTTx. At the same time, ODN is FTTx management difficult. First, it is simple compared to the P2P structure of copper, ODN use more P2MP topology, the network connecting nodes and more complex network management. Second, the optical fiber than copper sensitive and more easily damaged.

Therefore, ODN for efficient construction, operation and maintenance of essential need for a smart, accurate management solutions to ensure the ODN network are fully utilized, the effective protection of long-term investment. At present, how to ODN network of scientific management has become the major operators and the ITU-T standards organizations such as the focus of attention.

Is it possible without changing the passive properties of ODN, the ODN administration to resolve the two core issues and achieve ODN automated management? Huawei proposed iODN (Smart ODN) solution. In iODN solution, ODN intelligence products Add the following: fiber identity management, port state to collect, the port to find instructions, PDA and other visualization tools.

iODN ODN solution enables the automatic fiber optic connection information entry and management, inventory system to ensure accurate and timely information is synchronized. Meanwhile, PDA software and iODN visualization of intelligent LED indication on the device, can find the optical automation, precision operation, greatly increasing the efficiency of operation and maintenance to achieve the efficient ODN network operations and maintenance. In addition, based on the iODN architecture, based on the stock system to develop a variety of value-added applications, to achieve the construction, operation and maintenance of the whole process automated.

MPLS into the access layer

With the advance of FTTx, on the one hand, the traditional private line services along with ATM switch networks have also emerged retirement dilemma. A lot of green to be of high quality shelf-life business needs access, building access bearer if the business alone, will bring enormous burden on operators; the other hand, the traditional mode of service configuration DSLAM VLAN configuration used mainly by the VLAN ID identifies the number of (4K) limit, to the new business development and planning to bring limitations; and usually because of new business development across the entire network, resulting in a lot of work inter-departmental operations, business development and distribution efficiency are very low. To this end, the industry put forward a MPLS technology into the access layer of the vision.

Currently, Deutsche Telekom, France Telecom and other carriers have asked the future OLT devices to support this feature. Huawei's global MPLS in the previous Forum held its first show in the OLT support MPLS on the program, and simultaneously by the international authoritative testing organizations EANTC interoperability test, as this area is currently the only test of the OLT through the program, and successfully Accor and other operators in Germany, opened this feature.

As the light step by step into the back of copper, DSL access nodes and gradually move down the market share will gradually decrease. But China Telecom Corporation of the CST Director Wei Leping that, as a realization of the user access to the way the last few hundred meters, DSL at least 10 years of living space. "DSL access as the main form of home users, will co-exist for 10 years and PON."

The survival of the 10-year DSL technology will also lead a breakthrough change. VDSL2 has now been continuously optimized, multi-line using SuperMIMO technology on high-bandwidth DSL bonding technology has made significant technological breakthroughs in a shorter distance to provide higher bandwidth, so that the direction of technological development but also for copper line technology and fiber optic technology to better co-exist.

Meanwhile, in the mobile business, laying the 3G/LTE provide cost-effective backhaul solutions, copper is also introduced in the time synchronization, binding, crosstalk processing technology.
January of this year, Huawei announced the launch of the world's first DSL support 1588v2 time synchronization prototype, the product can be transmitted through the DSL line 1588v2 precision time synchronization signal, the level of the prototype test GPS accuracy. The breakthrough means that operators in the 3G/4G deployment process, the economic return has become more technology choices, to take advantage of widely deployed in the copper resources, rapid deployment of limited free GPS.

The demand for higher bandwidth, it never stopped, so technological innovation has continued, a more simple, more intelligent, more flat broadband access network has been initially formed.

Find Good Programs in Information Technology

Saturday, January 25, 2014 1 comments
Information technology has infiltrated even the smallest of businesses, organizations, and schools. The skills needed to maintain, develop, and manage today's technologically based computer software can be obtained by learning how to obtain an accredited information technology education. Students that are interested in this field need to seek out information and complete accredited college programs.

The technological resources associated with a business need to be constantly maintained. This includes creating accessibility, developing security, maintaining operation, and updating technology. Students can learn to perform these main functions inside higher educational training opportunities. Several areas of training are available and students can choose programs that best suit their career goal needs. An accredited education can be obtained when students complete a few necessary steps.

Training begins by researching what available degree programs can be completed. Students may have a high interest in information technology but specialization areas could make their career goals even more accessible. Students can enter training programs in areas that include:

Computer Information Science
Computer Information Systems
Information Security
Information Systems
Each of these areas falls under the category of information technology. Educational programs in information technology train students to understand the procedures performed to troubleshoot problem areas and evaluate the technological needs of a business. Computer information science programs give students the skills needed to correctly maintain computer networks and their databases. Computer information science focuses on the ability to develop networks and maintain a smoothly running environment for computer applications. Information security centers on teaching students to operate systems and perform any needed procedures to fix security breaches. Inside information systems training students are exposed to the skills needed to work with databases, network systems, and applications in order to keep them properly working.

Once students understand their available training options they can enter the second step, which is completing programs. This is the most important step because careers cannot be entered without a degree. Most areas offer several degree training opportunities. Schools offer programs from the associate's to doctorate's degree level. Career options will be directly affected by which degree level students decide to complete. Undergraduate programs offer students an overview of the industry with students starting to obtain advanced training at the end of bachelor's degree programs. Training at the graduate degree level gives students a wider skill set. Courses that are taken inside information technology degree programs may include:

*Introduction to Information Technology

The history and the fast paced growth of the industry are studied. Students learn what industries use information technology and what tasks are conducted inside today's professional workplace.

California Creative Solutions Company Profile

Monday, January 20, 2014 1 comments
California Creative Solutions (CCS) is one of the leading best information technology service providers Company, that expertise in its field. California Creative Solutions Company has services related to software Development and engineering, system analysis and Architecture, integration and development etc. CCS is providing the strategic technology resources services and products that are need based. The vision of the CCS is to become global information technology firm by providing high quality Software, desktop and web application development services with bets of quality and technology used for value for money.

California Creative Solutions develops solutions as per the Client need because We empower with world class web applications development that can automate any business operations and make it a profitable venture with better ROI. Those who really want to get high ROI via their website, or software solution know the importance of generating more and more traffic to their site and using the solution within the Intranet to have better operation and working. In this regards, the role that technology plays for their business cannot be taken for granted. Indeed, it played a key role in the growth of any kind of business and industries.

We offer different services which are as follows:

• Offshore Software development.
• Data warehousing services.
• Solutions for Business intelligence.
• Domains and web solutions.
• Quality assurance services.
• Product development and Implementation.
• Software development Services.

With Virtue of our wide range of service portfolio we are providing Quality services. We develop solutions as per our customer's requirement, With Quality assurance and using Need based analysis for any product development or software development. We wish to become the "First choice" in this sector by delivering the consistent quality and cost effective solutions for companies all over the world. California Creative Solutions Develop solutions based on latest cutting edge of information technologies and make every effort to provide best and most customized solutions, because our top priority is serving you effectively on all type of It based Solutions for desktop and web based application. Our desktop applications are confined to a physical location and hence have usability constraint but that helps any organization to have better working, reporting, and operation and improve quality services and web development on the other hand is Global solution available to everybody with public and private accessibility levels and can be used from any location using the internet.

We always thruster to provide the best IT related services available in the market today for the improvement of a company's efficiency, productivity and bottom line. We have professional development team with vast experience in development, Implementation, analysis, and maintain them for future with most of out extensive ideas on open source development technologies including lamp, (php/mysql), zen, .net, oracle which are popular and provide robust platform to build a business base around the globe. So whenever you make a decision to start out your business and need a partner is success with solid good dependable corporation, and meet long term objectives. Contact us!

Make It Big In The Technology Development Industry Through Mobile Apps

Wednesday, January 15, 2014 1 comments
The use of mobile phones all over the world is one proof that communication is truly essential in this day and age. Leading the pack are the smartphones and the tablets, which are known for being useful when it comes to a variety of applications. It has been the task or commitment of many developers to satisfy the ever-growing needs and wants of mobile users for apps while making sure they step up their game and produce apps that will outdo that of the competition. Are you interested to try your hand at mobile application development? Here are some pointers that would hopefully help and guide you along.

In creating apps, the specific needs of the mobile users will be what you should first consider. It would probably require you to imagine yourself in the position of being the end user of the apps and identifying the needs so you could come up with one coherent idea. It can be done, no matter how tricky it may seem. Many people are very much interested in apps that merge the simplicities and complexities of their personalities. That is one option. Another is to choose a specific niche that you would develop your app for.

The next step in the process would be to look for a tool to develop the features of the app in. A wide range of applications in the market fails to address this important issue. They will actually zero in on how functional they are more than how they will figure in the overall experience of the user. The trick is to have development concepts that will support excellence in function and bear and appeal and excitement to the user when running the app. It could focus on the app's ability to process the commands as well as how it will be presented.

When it comes to the usage of apps, performance is definitely on top of the list of essential elements. Before you roll it out to the market, you need to test it and ensure it will not fail to work at any given point. The app should be able to satisfy the users when it comes to security for the functions that it purports to possess and all the data used for, and by, it. A lack of these vital elements will deal a hard blow on your reputation as an application developer. Just keep in mind that it would be better to keep things simple. The current trends and demands should be taken into consideration, and they should be thoroughly addressed by having all the necessary elements incorporated into the app.

The client's issues should also be addressed, not just the mobile users. A mobile application development nightmare ensues when app developers have to make sure the expectations of the clients are met while working towards satisfying their end users as well. When clients are dissatisfied with an app, they will disapprove it and the developer has to start from scratch all over again. That is why the developer should keep both the end users and the client's expectations when designing the app. If the client finally gives his approval, the developer will conduct a retest to see if there are other flaws that need to be fixed.

Information Technology Schools

Friday, January 10, 2014 0 comments
Information Technology Schools prepare students for computer-related professions with the knowledge, skills, and experience needed for a professional career.

Programs in Information Technology (IT) make it possible to earn Bachelor of Science (BS), Master of Science (MS), and Doctorate in Computer Science (DCS) degrees. Degree programs offer concentrations in various areas of IT to meet demands of the industry and to impart qualifications that contribute to organizational productivity and success.

Students are provided with good basic understanding of business fundamentals, rudiments of Information Technology, and applications of IT to modern business that promote success and build careers in the IT industry. Information Technology Schools offer degrees with concentrations designed to prepare students with high levels of knowledge for careers in IT as computer information systems managers, operations research analysts, and management and data analysts.

Students in Information Technology programs can expect courses in project management theory, information systems, database systems, computer programming, network systems, systems security, and e-business. Some Information Technology Schools offer the benefit of adding professional certifications as the student progresses through IT programs of study. Certificates in these programs build student resumes by enhancing skills in management, accounting, finance, global business, human resources, and project planning, among others.

Some Information Technology Schools offer dual degree programs that enrich career options with minimal additions to coursework. Students can upgrade their IT degrees with concentrations in software systems engineering, security, network management, and others. A business administration degree can be markedly enhanced with concentrations in areas of Information Technology.

If you would like to learn more about Information Technology Schools or Online Information Technology Schools, you can find more in-depth information and resources on our website.

Information Security Schools prepare professionals in fields of Information Technology (IT) and Information Security (IS) for assuring that computer systems and information that they contain are secure. IS schools train professionals to safeguard sensitive data by focusing on electronic media security systems that thwart viruses, worms, hackers and cyber criminals from invading electronic systems and software.

Information Security courses introduce students to fundamental technologies, security, protection, detection, recovery, hacker techniques, and auditing of computer systems. IS students learn techniques for safeguarding information through uses of programming, passwords, protection software, firewalls, and other technologies.

Degree programs in Information Security range from certificates and Associate of Science (AS) degrees to doctorate (PhD) degrees. Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) and Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) certificates can be earned in vocational, technical, and trade school, community colleges, and through online Information Security degree programs. College- and university-based Information Security Schools offer more comprehensive courses and programs in database management and security. Bachelor of Science (BS), Master of Science (MS), and Masters of Business Administration (MBA) degrees in IT and IS emphasize design and management of systems for securing technical electronic information.

Depending on experience and education, Information Security positions can earn from $50,000 to more than double that figure. Corporations that manage exponential amounts of data pay handsome figures for professionals that oversee administration of very sensitive data.

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How a creative website designer helps in online business development

Sunday, January 5, 2014 1 comments
Business development is a crucial task; unless you get new customers your business will not grow. Business owners use different ways of business development. Distributing brochures and leaflets, meeting the prospects and giving presentations, TV commercials, banner ads, and newspaper ads are the common channels of business development.

Online business development has come up as a very powerful process recently. It has become popular in a very short time and replacing all other processes of business development very fast.

To get business online you will need a website and that is a must. Without a website you will not even have an online presence; with a creatively designed website you can attract potential customers and once your website gains popularity because of its creative design and interactive features, your business gets the juice. More and more people come to know about your business and you grab the attention of your potential clients easily.

A creative website designer or a web design company can help you come up with a striking website.

First impression is often the last impression

When you go for custom web design the creative designer prepares the layout highlighting the USP of your business at the most visible point. This should be done very carefully so that the design looks very natural. Only a professional and experienced web design company can achieve this.

Buyers’ psychology

A creative designer understands buyers’ psychology very well and designs the web pages accordingly. Based on their experience they sketch the layout that would sell. A creative designer understands human psychology and color theory. This helps them to make use of the right color scheme for your website.

Sometimes designers suggest adding some sort of interactivity to the website. You will need a web application development service provider to help you implement such ideas.

Creative design leaves a long lasting effect

When you come across a creative thing â€" whether an ad copy, a banner, a TV commercial or a website, you remember it and most importantly you discuss it with your friends and peers. Thus a creative website can help you virally spread your business idea on the internet. This will definitely drive more targeted traffic to your business portal.

Thus with an impressive business web design you can go long way; it not only helps you drive more traffic but influences the conversion rate as well. With a creative design and interactive web applications you can make your website attractive and sellable.